Monday, June 11, 2007

The 6 Pack ponders Natural Feeding

Well if the truth be told, it's me pondering how to convince them it's good for them. After much reading, I have convinced myself that there are health benefits to my ferrets in feeding a more natural diet.

What does that mean? RMB (raw meaty bones) or whole prey? At this time I really don't know. I do not know that I will completely abandon kibble. I do know that I would like to greatly reduce kibble consumption in our household. For now it's a matter of how do I convince them that this is a good idea.

The 6 Pack regularly gets duck soup as a treat, to keep them interested in it should I ever need it to care for a sick ferret. They love their duck soup, but it is very liquefied. I have always made what we call 'Chicken Smoothies' by boiling chicken thighs. I pull the chicken off the bone when done. Using the chicken stock, a small amount of soaked kibble, some Nupro and the chicken everything is whirled in the blender until liquefied.

I know they are used to the smell and 'taste' of cooked chicken. Can I get them used to eating chicken in a form other than liquefied? Will they eat it raw and with bones? I do not know the answer to this question but I am going to try, see what happens and post our journey here.

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