Monday, April 20, 2009

Photo's from the ferret room!

A few recent photos of the family for your enjoyment...

Ozzy celebrating his 3rd birthday playing in the tubes!

Mojo, checking out the world upside down..thinkin' he's pretty darn cute!

Cracker Jack posing handsome for the camera!

Moki demonstrating how to REALLY relax!

Ben Ben "Tastes Like Chicken Poofer" sneaking up on someone....

Bobo, playing with her new favorite toy she got for Easter.

Luna says "This is the face you get when you take pictures of my while I'm sleeping"

No wonder they never have any toys to play with...who put them all under the cage?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

State of the Ferrets

Today was Spa day in the ferret room!  Everyone had pedicures, their ears cleaned, their teeth brushed, we brushed coats to pull out loose hair from the spring shed.  We also put everyone on the scales to see how much they weighed.  Paying attention to weight fluctuations in ferrets helps a ferret parent know when something might be amiss.

For the curious of mind here is what the scales said:
BenBen 1360 grams
Ozzy 1350 grams
Mojo 1189 grams
Moki 1081 grams
CJ 989   grams
Bobo 796   grams
Luna 795   grams

Nothing out of whack there, it is important to note that Bobo officially has junk in her trunk.  We are so happy she is back at weight.  In March when she had GI issues she very quickly dropped down to a low of 622 grams.  She has gained and maintained her weight.  Yeah!

As for the overall state of affairs with the family, well it could be worse however we have somethings to keep our eye on.

Cracker Jack- has lost the hair on his tail with his seasonal shed and it has not grown back.  We suspect Adrenal Disease in him and will give him a few more weeks to see if any hair grows back.   We are waiting in part because there is nothing that puts him in immediate danger and I will be traveling for work the first week of May.  Daddy and Grammy would not be pleased if I left them with a convalescing ferret to take care of.  

Mojo- Appears to be happy and healthy.  He has a full soft furry coat that makes him look much bigger than he really is.  I suspect he will be shedding this soon.  Mojo had his rabies vaccination and annual exam last week.  The vet felt a lumpy mass in his abdomen, so we will need to investigate this.  Mojo will have an ultrasound in the next few weeks, since he is otherwise healthy and does not act like he doesn't feel well we are going to wait until he goes back in for his distemper vaccination unless the situation changes.

Moki-What can I say about our kamikaze ferret?  Crazy as can be and appears to be happy and healthy.  He seems to be doing well with his IBD as longs as we provide him with some daily soupie to supplement his regular food.  He is a happy boy, and we humans could learn a thing or two from him in his enjoyment of life!

Bobo- The Princess is doing quite well now, as mentioned earlier she went through a bought of GI issues at the beginning of March.  The road back to health has been long, and filled with yucky medicines.  We are now done with the medicines and she is back to her royal self again.  She is in the middle of her shed, and looks so darn cute with her short coat.

Luna- She's doing well, and there is nothing of note to mention about her health wise.  She is our little "pipster", and enjoys playing with her family daily.  One of her favorite activities is climbing on Mommy, sometimes if she is fast enough she can even make it to the computer desk from Mom's shoulder.

BenBen- Poofer Dude, seems to be happy and healthy as well.  He is typically the 'last man' standing in the ferret room and relies upon us to play with him long after the others have settled down for a nap.  As with Luna there is nothing of concern with his health.  We'll be scheduling him for his distemper vaccination soon.  We do not look forward to this, as he has a history of reaction.

Ozzy- Just after Thanksgiving Ozzy experienced a urinary obstruction.  Ultrasounds showed that his prostate and left adrenal were enlarged.   He did have an adrenalectomy, poor fella.  His internal sutures came undone and a week later he had a second surgery to replace those sutures.  He has been doing well, we will need to look at a follow up ultra sound to ensure the prostrate shrank after the diseased adrenal gland was removed.  The Oz Man has been a little sleepier these last couple of days, so we are keeping a close eye on him.

So there you have it, lots of things going on for this family of ferrets.  I think I need a second job!