Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ferret Room Remodel

Sometimes you just have to do what you just have to do. Last Friday, the first day of my 3 day weekend for the holiday I got it in my head that the ferret room needed a remodel. My husband was out of town, so I didn't have to worry about how the mess I was about to make of our house would impact him. At least as long as the mess was gone by the time he returned.

Now I had been thinking about re-doing the floor, yet really hadn't given it much thought. Somehow in very short amount of time, my brain said not only did the floor need to be done, the baseboards needed to be replaced and a fresh coat of paint would be good. Really if I had more time I would have also replaced the trim around the doors, but you can only do so much in 2 1/2 days. My husband knew nothing of my last minute decision to make this happen, although we had talked about the flooring in the past.

I couldn't remodel the room with the ferrets in it, so I sent them to camp out in the basement. There is a whole play area complete with cage set up down there. It is what I used when I fostered, Piper, JD, Xander and Bandit last year after the flood. It is also our storm shelter for the wild summer storms that sometimes roll through the midwest. The ferrets didn't mind this so much, as it is always nice and cool in the basement as well as it was a great big adventure for them.

Once the ferrets were safely relocated to the basement, the work began. Moving everything out of the room, pulling the baseboards and trim around the doors. Painting, new flooring, new baseboards and re-installing the same trim back around the doors. Once all that was done, it was Sunday evening I was very tired and then had to put everything back in the room. Oh yeah and clean the mess, I don't think my husband would have been happy to come home and find the old trim still laying in the living room!

I waited one extra day to bring the ferrets 'back home' just to make sure that the room was aired out well after painting for their safety. All in all, it was hard work, I enjoyed the project, it was much easier than I thought to do some of these things...AND when my husband finally saw it he said it looked fantastic that I did a wonderful job. Ego boost!

I posted my progress all throughout the weekend on Facebook, and got many requests for pictures, so I am posting them here for all to see what the room looked like before, during and after the work.

1 comment:

Suz said...

Very nice! You make me miss my weezles... so now you are the master and I am the mere student, who will read your blog with longing and yearning and one day have fuzzies again (I can't in the house i have now :( but someday I will again!)