Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ferrets in the dark....

Yesterday was Saturday so the ferrets were out and about all day long as my Husband and I were home. It was getting close to bedtime, time to tuck the Six Pack into their FN cage for the night. I was in another room when our power went out. Yikes! The lights didn't come back on, and I was resigned to trying to find all 6 of the ferrets in the dark! Add to that the fact that I still needed to scoop the litter pans for the night.

Thankfully most of the ferrets had already tucked themselves into hammies in the cage. With the help of a flashlight I found that 5 of them were safely in the cage already. Moki on the other hand, the one we call Moki Monster for a reason was ready to play. He seemed to like the pitch black in the room, he was out and about. I might also add very helpful in scooping poopies in the dark.

With a little bit of effort we got everything taken care of and the kids safely in their cage. An hour later the lights came back on. Power outages, things you never think about until it happens when living with ferrets.

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