Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snow Bunnies..err....ferrets!

Today we received our second measurable snowfall of the season. While I'm not sure exactly how much snow we received, it was beyond ferret deep anyway. The kiddos had never met snow face to face before and we wanted to see what would happen.

One by one we put their harnesses on and ventured out to the backyard. Most of them thought it was okay, Little Luna didn't like it one bit and was scrambling for dry ground and then there was Ozzy. The Blizzard of Oz took to the snow like a long lost friend.

We captured a few pictures of him out playing in the freshly fallen snow.

See what I mean, beyond ferret deep?

Cruising along....

Rollin around....

Gone Poofy...

With the exception of Luna, all had fun and I think we'll try it again sometime.

1 comment:

martha said...

OMG, thats so cute. I had no idea they would ever respond to the snow, with the exception on Lil'Lu.