One thing I have learned in my time with ferrets, is that I myself am always learning. What works for one ferret will not work for other ferrets. Additionally what works today may not work tomorrow as the ferrets learn themselves.
We started with a plexiglass gate, standard 2' x 3' that we just velcroed to the door frame. This successfully kept up to 6 different ferrets in the ferret room for over a year. Then one day Moki realized if he pogo'd long enough he had enough momentum to grab on to the top and pull himself over.
I figured I'd fix him, and just raise the height by purchasing a larger piece of plexiglass. Now we were at 2' 4" X 3' and this worked successfully for another year.
Then one day Ozzy realized that if he pogo'd long enough he could reach the top and pull himself over. This left me in a quandry if I raised the height again I would not be able to climb over it. So our cleaver idea was to put some tubing at the top edge, so the little 'devils' couldn't get a grip to pull themselves over.

Not pretty but functional all the same. This lasted all of about a month, and then Ozzy realized that he could leverage himself just right on the actual door to the room that he was able to push the plexiglass away from the velcro at the bottom and squeeze through. Aarrghh!
Now we are trying this, they can't push it out based on how it is positioned, it is too wide for little ferret paws to grab on to the top edge if they jump up. It's working for now!!
Anyone betting on how long it takes for one of them to figure a way out?