If you have ever spent any amount of time around a ferret owner, you know the subject of ferret poop will come up. Get a bunch of ferret owners together and look out! We seem to be obsessed with poo, we scoop it, we look for it in all corners, and we inspect it to ensure our
fuzzies health.
This week we had a poop mystery and I had to use my keen detective skills to try and solve it.
I was holding Ozzy one morning, when I noticed he had a streak of poo on the outside of one of his hind legs. Odd very odd, I cleaned him up and went about my way. It didn't take long to realize that Ozzy had transferred some of his poo to my shirt while I had been holding him.
Uggh!!!Later that day I was
greeting Bobo as she woke up from a nap. I picked her up, and lo and behold another streak of poo. This time it was on
Bobo's neck. We cleaned her up and I set about my detective work.
It had to be somewhere in there room,
cleverly hidden so that I couldn't see it. Out came the step stool so I could get up to the 3rd level of the cage. No blanket or toy was left in the cage, everything was carefully inspected...no poo. I did this level by level until I was satisfied the mystery poo was not in the cage.
Could it be under the cage? That was a pain, does anybody realize just exactly how many toys Ozzy has dragged under there? I do, I pulled them out one by one and inspected each closely...no poo.
We have a one level cat condo, that the ferrets use to climb in and out of their cage. Just maybe it was in the
hidey hole portion of the condo....peek inside....no poo.
Hmmmm the plot thickens.
Oh goodness, it has to be in their tunnels.
That'll be a pain to get to and clean. After peering in each section of tunnel, I was satisfied...no poo.
We have a
blankie box, that is just for curling up somewhere warm....out came each
blankie for
careful inspection...no poo.
Please understand the ferrets have their own room here, so there are no cabinets or drawers that they can get into. This is probably a good thing, for the situation.
Then I decided it had to be on one of the ferrets. Maybe just maybe someone stepped on poo in the litter pan and somehow transferred it onto the others.
One by one each fuzzy got a full body inspection including between their toes....no poo.
At this point I am completely stumped, where could the poo be hiding?
To this day, I still can't say for sure where the poo came from or where the rest of it went but I have my suspicions.
Does this look like a litter box to you?

It does to a ferret! In reality it's a cat bed that I thought they'd like sleeping in. Now I never found any poo in there, I did find a nice wet spot so it is possible.
Just to ensure the other
Ferrents out there aren't concerned about the
fuzzies, the poo found on
Bobo and Ozzy was
definitely some kind of transfer and not due to any yucky butt.